Thursday, December 12, 2013

Confessions from Dad: Evil Never Really Wins

About a week ago I sat down with a friend who was devastated and overwhelmed. He had just received news that his 3 year old son had been diagnosed with cancer and they had no conclusive plan to remedy the foreseeable outcome; terminal.

He was angry and broken.
He wanted answers.
Wouldn't you?

News like this seems to come all too often these days and stories like this are part of our everyday life. Heartache isn't prejudge and it doesn't just pencil you in after the holidays! Pain is an absolute in being human and no one has immunity. We cannot avoid pain, but we can spend a lifetime trying to outrun it.

A few days ago I received word that a friend of ours, Isaac Hunter, had taken his own life. Some articles were written thereafter and, because of his status, much was made ado about the sensationalism of the circumstances surrounding his passing. As I looked at headlines and began to mourn the realness of it, one thought kept piercing into my heart... That could easily be me? 

He was a Husband, Father, Son, Brother, Cousin, Pastor, Friend, Man, Child of God living within a world where pain is very real and people are imperfect. Is that really any different for any of us? 

We have doubts. We have fears. We wonder and question, in tragedy; what good will come from this? We shout to the heavens asking, "Why? Why now?" Evil looks to corrupt us into buying that when pain exists, good will never come. But evil is a fat, fickle liar!!!

Maybe today you're struggling to see through clouds of doubt and injustice. We all do. For Isaac that struggle is over. And we wrestle with that while on this side of heaven.

Maybe your story won't be reconciled in the tangibles. From the deepest, most intimate space in my heart I plead with you... evil never really wins! Don't give up! With so much pain wandering around looking for residence in our hearts, it can feel like evil has the upper hand. But it doesn't and never will.

The advent of Christ was a season not unlike this. There were 400 years of silence before God spoke through a baby's cry. People were hurting and waiting to hear from God. They were searching for refuge and rescue. Aren't we all! God did not let them down nor did He give up on them in their mourning. You see, though our world remains broken, there will come a day that this will pass. The pain, the suffering, and the thousands of tears. We are promised a day in which we'll experience the fullness of God's grace, mercy and love.

So until then, even if you find yourself running from the pain or about to give up, God's love for you will never be outrun. Love always wins in the end.

"Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance." 1 Cor 13:7

“Pain is inevitable, but misery is optional. We cannot avoid pain, but we can avoid joy.” Tim Hassel

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