Friday, September 13, 2013

5 Things Every Dad Should Stop Doing...

You're stuck. Stuck in a mediocre job and a boatload of messy relationships. You have just enough time at home to help manage chaos and pull three pennies out of little Jimmy's nose.
You're spinning plates like a circus clown just hoping to keep up the pace so no one will see them fall and crash. Just when you are ready to wave a white flag you hear an old coach's voice scream, "Suck it up!!!" So you just jump back on the saddle and start doing more. It's the manly thing to do. But what if the remedy isn't in doing more, but in doing less? Here are five practical things we can stop doing to get unstuck.

1. Stop going at it alone. It's natural to have an "I got this" attitude. We can experience a tremendous sense of accomplishment when we tackle something on our own. But it's all too common for us to not want to ask for help because we'd rather crash and burn then show a weakness. If you take on the practice of humility you'll find more success in every area of your life. Find people that will encourage you and share the load.

2. Stop working more and playing less. Working more leaves less room for things that matter most. Maya Angelou once wrote, "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." Your accomplishments will never outlast the memories you give to those around you. What will you be remembered for? Someone that worked hard or someone that loved well? Take time to play with your children.

3. Stop making more plans. Ask any dad if his life goal was to be a diaper genie and the answer will be no. Our plans don't always turn out to be what we wanted them to be. But when we are so consumed on making plans we lose what is present. When the present is left abandoned marriages crumble, children rebel, and life blows up. Spend your moments devoted to today and you'll see life breathed back into your dreams. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matthew 6:33-34

4. Stop fixing what's broken. We're wired to fix things. Many of us make a living doing so. But when it comes to fixing your children or your wife it's not your job. Just be with them. Enjoy them. They are God's most precious commodities and you have been given the privilege to inherit them. The fact is, we're all a little bit broken and if our focus stays on what's flawed we miss the beauty of what isn't.

5. Stop fearing failure. Fear can give you crazy thoughts and paralyze your actions. We may not call it fear because we're called to be superheros. But even Superman had kryptonite. There will always be someone or something trying to trip you up. Over-thinking every decision to avoid the potential of discomfort only hinders a life lived well. We end up building walls around us thinking we are protecting the village when, in fact, we're imprisoning ourselves. Go and be free to fail forward.

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